5 Reasons Why a January (or February!) Company Holiday Party May Just Make Sense This Year

Published on November 18, 2021

This holiday season is unlike any other in that it marks something close to a “return to normal” for many companies that were only operating in virtual mode one year ago. For the last several years, a number of companies have opted to move their holiday parties – traditionally held in December – to January or even February. This year, there are more reasons than ever for companies to make the leap to an early 2022 holiday party.

1. COVID-Related Party Planning Delays

In 2021, many companies have been in a wait-and-see mode as they try to establish employees’ comfort level with in-person celebrations and follow local COVID developments. Back in the summer or early fall, it was difficult to assess whether an in-person holiday gathering would be feasible in 2021; companies now have a much clearer picture on how their regions are faring as we enter the winter months. Furthermore, individuals have had time to get accustomed to COVID-related party protocols – submitting vaccine documentation and/or proof of a recent negative PCR prior to the gathering or upon entry. If your company leadership was in doubt back in September but is now ready to green-light a holiday party, it’s not too late! Consider buying yourself some time and planning a fabulous holiday party after the new year.

2. Easier Bookings & Potential Savings in January

Booking venues and vendors for an event in December, especially last-minute, is not for the faint of heart . . . we know! In 2021, the December venue booking game has become even more complex with many venues sadly shuttering during the pandemic and demand for event spaces quickly rising once again. January is typically the slowest month of the year for many venues, which can lead to easier bookings and possible savings in the form of discounted rates.

3. Fewer Conflicts = Higher Attendance

Let’s face it, December is a crazy month for us all individually. There are numerous family and social obligations, and – this year – holiday travel plans that were likely forgone one year ago. Some companies feel it is better to let employees focus on family & friends in the month of December. Moving the company gathering to January takes one more obligation off employees’ plates and likely translates into higher attendance (and less stressed party guests) for you!

4. Give Your Team a Chance to Get Their Booster Shot

Up until this week, the COVID booster shot was only available to a subset of adults, and many individuals are eager to get their hands (or arms!) on those boosters before heading into the holiday season. COVID immunity peaks one or two weeks after receiving the booster shot before declining somewhat and then stabilizing. Giving your team a few more weeks to arrange for their shots may give everyone a bit more confidence and comfort around the idea of getting together in-person.

Catering services including red wine and appetizers at company party

5. January Parties Have a Different Vibe

A holiday party in January can have a different feel than one in December. Instead of closing out 2021, you can kick off 2022 in a celebratory way. The combination of 1) an increased availability of vendors (beyond just venue), 2) discounts on venues, vendors & corporate gifts, and 3) potentially a larger company budget at the beginning of the year, may give you greater leeway to do something that feels truly special for your employees.

After a social and festive December, some team members may be experiencing the “January Blues” as they face dreary, cold winter weather and get back to the daily work grind. A spectacular gathering in January has the potential to break up those dark winter days and cheer up your team.

And how to brand a holiday party in January? “Holiday Party” can still work, but other great alternatives include a “New Years Party”, “2022 Kick Off Party” or “Winter Wonderland”. Get creative!

There are so many fun ways to impress your team with a festive January or February gathering. Our EventAve planners are excited to help you develop a vision and organize your stunning event from start to finish!

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